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Grants Showcase 2019

Grants Showcase 2019
09/11/2019 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Quiet Waters Park, Blue Heron Center, Annapolis, MD

Registered attendees (192)

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Date Name
09/12/2019 Funkhouser, Nora
09/12/2019 Hollander, Suzanne
09/12/2019 MacGregor, Judith
09/12/2019 Brown, Carole
09/12/2019 Francis, Amy
09/12/2019 Robison St. Clair, Ashley
09/12/2019 Warren, Susan
09/12/2019 Brooks, Kellie
09/12/2019 Cain, Alice
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AAWGT is a component fund of the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County
AAWGT is a member of Philanos: Accelerating Philanthropy through Women’s Collective Giving

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